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651 Study Matches

Action Regulation Behavioral

Nader Pouratian, MD, Phd
Sahil Chilukuri, BS

18 Years to 80 Years old
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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For Parkinson's Disease Patients:
Inclusion Criteria:
* Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease by a movement disorder neurologist * Levodopa responsive with clearly defined "on" periods, with at least 30% improvement in UPDRS III scores on vs off * Willingness and ability to complete the behavioral experiments for up 3.5 hours * No vision or hearing problems that impair ability to participate with the proposed tasks as assessed by the study investigators
Exclusion Criteria:
* Patients with history of secondary Parkinsonism, stroke, or progressive central nervous system disease other than Parkinson's Disease * Patients with a disease or condition that prevents understanding or communication of informed consent, study demands, and testing protocol including cognitive decline, diagnosed forms of dementia, significant memory impairment (MoCA\<23), or hearing loss that prevents adequate communication with researcher For Healthy subjects:
Inclusion Criteria:
* No history any diagnosed neurological disease(s), including movement disorders or cognitive decline * No vision or hearing problems that impair ability to participate with the proposed tasks as assessed by the study investigators
BEHAVIORAL: Action Regulation Movement Task
Parkinson Disease
Levodopa medication, motor cortex, basal ganglia
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Cerebral Autoregulation, Brain Perfusion, and Neurocognitive Outcomes After Traumatic Brain Injury (CAPCOG-TBI)

Kan Ding, MD
Jill Morales, BA

18 Years to 80 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Documented/Verified TBI (ACRM Criteria) (eg, motor vehicle (MV) occupant, MV pedestrian/cyclist, fall, other non-intentional, violence/assault) * A documented moderate to severe TBI defined as: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) \< 13, or loss of consciousness (LOC) \> 30 minutes, or posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) \> 24 hours or intracranial neuroimaging abnormalities * Between the age 18 - 80 year-old * ≤ 1 week postinjury * Acute brain CT for clinical care * Admitted to the hospital for TBI * Visual acuity/hearing adequate for testing * Fluent in English or Spanish * Patient or LAR ability to provide informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
* Age greater or less than the range 18-80 years * Significant polytrauma that would interfere with follow-up and outcome assessment * Major debilitating baseline mental health disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression with active suicidal thoughts at the time of evaluation) that would interfere with follow-up and the validity of outcome assessment. * Major debilitating neurological disease (e.g., stroke, CVA, dementia, tumor) impairing baseline awareness, cognition, or validity of follow-up and outcome assessment. * Significant history of pre-existing conditions that would interfere with follow-up and outcome assessment (e.g., active substance abuse, alcoholism, HIV/AIDs, end-stage cancers, learning disabilities, developmental disorders) * Patients on psychiatric hold * Prisoners or patients in custody * Pregnancy in female subjects * Low likelihood of follow-up (e.g., participants or family indicating low interest, residence in another state or country, homeless or lack of reliable contacts) * Current participant in an interventional trial (e.g., drug, device, behavioral) * Penetrating TBI * Spinal cord injury with ASIA score of C or worse * Contraindications to MRI
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Traumatic Brain Injury With Loss of Consciousness, Brain Injury Traumatic Severe, Brain Injury Traumatic Moderate, TBI
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Accelerated rTMS for Substance Use Disorder and Depression

This study is a small open-label feasibility trial of an accelerated course of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for individuals with depression and stimulant use disorder [including methamphetamine or cocaine use disorder (MUD/CUD)].

18 Years to 65 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Be aged 18-65 years, inclusive.
• Be able to sufficiently understand, speak, and read English to provide informed consent and ask relevant questions, and be willing to comply with all study procedure instructions.
• Self-report stimulant use (cocaine, methamphetamine, or prescription stimulants) at least 10 days in the 30-day period prior to consent.
• Have a diagnosis of moderate or severe Cocaine or Methamphetamine Use Disorder (CUD/MUD) or other Stimulant Use Disorder over the past 12 months (as determined by the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview).
• Have a PHQ9 of greater than or equal to five (5).
• Be willing to provide urine samples, EEGs, and ECGs.
• Be willing to use appropriate birth control method during the treatment phase of the study, if individual is of childbearing potential.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Have a current pattern of alcohol, benzodiazepine, or other sedative/hypnotic use that would preclude safe participation in the study, as determined by the PI or their designee.
• Have a history of a serious medical disorder that, in the opinion of the PI or their designee, would make it unsafe to participate in the study or may prevent collection of study data (e.g., disabling terminal diagnosis for which hospice care is being sought; serious illness requiring systemic treatment and/or hospitalization until participant either completes therapy and/or is clinically stable on therapy, in the opinion of the PI or their designee, prior to study entry).
• Have a documented history of unprovoked seizure (lifetime) or any seizure in the past 6 months.
• Have a documented history of brain lesion(s) and/or tumor(s).
• Have metal implants or non-removable metal objects above the neck.
• Current pregnancy as determined by a urine screening.
• Current or lifetime manic or hypomanic episode, defined by MINI diagnostic interview.
• Current psychotic disorder.
• Are a prisoner or in police custody at the time of eligibility screening.
DEVICE: Accelerated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Depression, Stimulant Use
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A Comparative Effectiveness Study in Heart Transplant Patients of Rejection Surveillance With Cell-free DNA Versus Endomyocardial Biopsy (ACES-EMB)

This is an open label Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) study in which patients will be randomized at the site level to Prospera surveillance or EMB surveillance in a 2:1 ratio (Prospera to EMB) at each site. Subjects will be enrolled into the study while under evaluation for heart transplantation or on the transplant waiting list prior to heart transplantation. All subjects will follow the center's standard of care surveillance schedule from transplant through 4 weeks post-transplantation. EMB during this phase is expected to occur roughly weekly or bi-weekly. Study group assignment will take place at randomization. Subjects will be randomized 30 days (± 10 days) post-transplant to Prospera surveillance versus EMB surveillance in a 2:1 ratio. Rejection surveillance (Prospera Group and EMB Group) will be performed at times corresponding to the institutional standard of care schedule for rejection surveillance.

Amy Browning

18 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Age 18 years or older at the time of signing informed consent.
• Undergoing transplant evaluation or currently on the heart transplant waiting list and expected to receive a heart transplant.
• Able to read, understand and provide written informed consent. If the patient is unable to sign informed consent, a legally authorized representative (LAR) can consent on behalf of the patient.
• Able and willing to comply with the study visit schedule, study procedures and study requirements.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Concurrent multiple solid organ or tissue transplants.
• Prior history of any organ or cellular transplantation.
• Planned use of other commercially available or investigational cfDNA or gene expression profile assays for rejection surveillance.
• Pregnant.
• Hemodynamically unstable or other serious medical condition that may adversely affect the subject's ability to participate in the study.
DIAGNOSTIC_TEST: The Prospera™ Test
Heart Transplant Failure and Rejection
Heart Transplant
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Phase III Study of AK112 for NSCLC Patients

18 Years to old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Ability to understand and voluntarily sign a written informed consent form (ICF), which must be signed before the specified study procedures required for the study are performed.
• Males or females aged ≥ 18 to ≤ 75 years at the time of signing informed consent. (For patients from North America and Europe, there will be no upper age cutoff)
• ECOG performance status score of 0 or 1.
• Expected survival ≥3 months.
• Histologically or cytology-confirmed, locally advanced (Stage IIIB/IIIC) or metastatic (Stage IV) non-squamous NSCLC (according to TNM staging of lung cancer, 8th edition) that cannot be completely resected by surgery and cannot receive radical concurrent/sequential chemoradiation.
• EGFR activation mutations that are confirmed by tumor histology or cytology or blood test before enrollment (eg, exon 18 point mutations, exon 19 deletions, exon 20 point mutations, and exon 21 point mutations). Patients must provide a previous EGFR mutation test report, otherwise tumor tissue samples, peripheral blood samples, or pleural fluid samples will need to be collected for EGFR status testing prior to enrollment.
• Prior treatment with EGFR TKI and treatment failure, meeting any of the following requirements: Progression after treatment with first- or second-generation EGFR TKI, and confirmation of absence of T790M mutation after progression (only for patients enrolled in China). Progression after treatment with a third-generation EGFR TKI (eg, osimertinib, ametinib, vometinib). Note, for North America and Europe patients only.
• According to RECIST v1.1, there is at least 1 measurable noncerebral lesion.
• Adequate organ function determined by the following requirements
• Female patients of childbearing age have a negative serum pregnancy test result within 3 days before the first dose
• If a female patient of childbearing potential has sex with an unsterilized male partner, the patient must use a highly effective method of contraception from the beginning of screening and must agree to continue using these precautions until 120 days after the last dose of the study drug or until 6 months after the last carboplatin and pemetrexed dose (whichever is longer).
• If an unsterilized male patient has sex with a female partner of childbearing potential, the patient must use an effective method of contraception from the beginning of screening to day 120 after the last dose or until 6 months after the last carboplatin and pemetrexed dose (whichever is longer). The decision to stop contraception after this time point should be discussed with investigator.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Histologic or cytopathologic evidence of the presence of a small cell carcinoma component, or a predominantly squamous cell carcinoma.
• Patients who have received immune checkpoint inhibitors (eg, anti-PD-1/L1 antibodies, anti-CTLA-4 antibodies, anti-LAG-3 antibodies, etc.)
• Received prior systemic chemotherapy, anti-angiogenic therapy, or more than one prior line of antitumor therapy (other than EGFR inhibitors) for advanced stage (IIIB to IV) NSCLC.
• Concurrent enrollment in another clinical study, unless it is a noninterventional clinical study or the follow-up period of the interventional study is more than 4 weeks from the last dose of the prior clinical study or more than 5 half-lives of the prior study drug, whichever is shorter.
• Received EGFR inhibitor therapy within 2 weeks (with the exception of osimertinib to be within 7 days) prior to the first dose; received nonspecific immunomodulatory therapy (eg, interleukin, interferon, thymus peptide, tumor necrosis factor) within 2 weeks prior to the first dose, excluding IL-11 for the treatment of thrombocytopenia; have received Chinese herbal medicines or proprietary Chinese medicines with antitumor indications within 1 week before the first dose.
• Imaging during the screening period shows that the tumor surrounds important blood vessels or has obvious necrosis and/or cavitation of tumor lesions within the lung parenchyma.
• Imaging during the screening period shows that the tumor invades the surrounding vital organs and blood vessels, such as the heart and pericardium, trachea, esophagus, aorta, superior vena cava, or patient is at risk of esophageal tracheal fistula or esophageal pleural fistula.
• Symptomatic metastases of the central nervous system.
• Malignant tumors other than NSCLC within 3 years before the first dose.
• Active autoimmune disease requiring systemic therapy (eg, with disease-modifying drugs, corticosteroids, immunosuppressant therapy) within 2 years prior to the first dose (excluding ir AEs due to PD-1/L1 inhibitors). Replacement therapy (eg, thyroxine, insulin, or physiologic corticosteroid replacement therapy (prednisone ≤ 10 mg daily or equivalent) for adrenal or pituitary insufficiency) is permitted.
• There is a history of major diseases before the first dose
• History of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract and/or fistula, history of gastrointestinal obstruction (including incomplete intestinal obstruction requiring parenteral nutrition), extensive bowel resection (partial colectomy or extensive small bowel resection, complicated by chronic diarrhea) within 6 months before the first study drug administration.
• Patients with \>30 Gy of chest radiation therapy within 6 months prior to the first dose, nonthoracic radiation therapy \>30 Gy within 4 weeks prior to the first dose, and palliative radiation therapy of ≤30 Gy within 2 weeks prior to the first dose and failed to recover from the toxicity and/or complications of these interventions to NCI CTCAE Grade ≤1 (except hair loss and fatigue). Palliative radiotherapy for symptom control is permitted if it has been completed at least 2 weeks before the first dose, and no additional radiotherapy for the same lesion is planned.
• Inactivated vaccines are allowed. Patients are excluded if they have received a live vaccine or live attenuated vaccine within 4 weeks prior to the first dose, or if they are scheduled to receive a live vaccine or live attenuated vaccine during the study period.
• Severe infection within 4 weeks prior to the first dose, including but not limited to comorbidities requiring hospitalization, sepsis, or severe pneumonia; active infection that has received systemic anti-infective therapy within 2 weeks prior to the first dose (excluding antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C)
DRUG: AK112 Injection, DRUG: Placebo Injection
Non-squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
NSCLC, EGFR Positive, ivonescimab
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The Effect of Retatrutide Once Weekly on Cardiovascular Outcomes and Renal Function in Adults Living With Obesity (TRIUMPH-OUTCOMES)

The main purpose of this study is to determine if retatrutide can significantly lower the incidence of serious heart-related complications or prevent the worsening of kidney function. The trial will enroll adults with body mass index 27 kg/m^2 or higher and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and/or chronic kidney disease. The study will last for about 5 years. Participants will have up to 27 clinic visits with the study doctor.

45 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* A Body Mass Index of ≥27.0 kilograms per meter squared (kg/m\^2) * Participants may be with or without type 2 diabetes (T2D) unless their hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is 10% or lower * Participants have established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD), as evidenced at least one of the following: * Coronary artery disease * Cerebrovascular disease * Peripheral arterial disease * Chronic kidney disease defined as: * eGFR \<45 millilitres/minute/1.73 meter squared (mL/min/1.73m\^2) and UACR \>30 milligram/gram (mg/g) * eGFR \<60 mL/min/1.73 m\^2 and UACR \>100 mg/g, or * eGFR \<75 mL/min/1.73 m\^2 and UACR \>300 mg/g (eGFR is calculated based on Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) cystatin c equation as determined by central lab)
Exclusion Criteria:
Diabetes related: * Participants have Type 1 Diabetes or history of diabetic ketoacidosis CV related: * Participants have any of the following cardiovascular conditions ≤ 90 days prior to randomization: * Myocardial infarction * Acute coronary syndrome * Stroke, or * Coronary, peripheral, or carotid artery arterial revascularization procedure. * Have acute decompensated heart failure requiring hospitalization. * Have New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification Class IV heart failure at screening Kidney related: * Participants have an eGFR \<20 mL/min/1.73 m\^2 at screening * Have UACR \>5000 mg/g at screening * Have received any form of dialysis ≤ 90 days from the date of randomization * Have either undergone a kidney transplant or have a transplant procedure scheduled Other medical conditions: * Participants have had or plan to have a surgical treatment for obesity, * Have a history of chronic or acute pancreatitis * Have a family or personal history of medullary thyroid carcinoma or multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome type 2 * Have a known clinically significant gastric emptying abnormality, such as severe gastroparesis or gastric outlet obstruction
DRUG: Retatrutide, DRUG: Placebo
Overweight and Obesity
Cardiovascular Disease, Kidney Disease, Overweight, Obesity, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE), Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD), Renal Outcomes, Cardiovascular Risk Reduction, Kidney Disease Progression, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
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Study of the Clinical and Radiological Impact of Ravulizumab in People With Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (AMAZE)

Cindy Daniel
Francisco Villalobos

18 Years to old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Signed informed consent available prior to conduct of any study associated activities
• Men and women \> 18 years of age
• Aquaporin-4 IgG positive people with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder treated with commercially available ravulizumab in a manner consistent with the approved indication
• Expanded Disability Status Scale score of \<7.0
Exclusion Criteria:

• Individuals who are intolerant to MRI
• Individuals previously exposed to eculizumab with treatment discontinuation due to lack of effective disease control (i.e., clinical relapse or demonstration of MRI advancement after 12 weeks of sustained treatment exposure)
• Unresolved meningococcal disease
• History of an active infection
• Existing participation in neuromyelitis optical spectrum disorder interventional clinical studies
• Pregnant or lactating women
DRUG: Ravulizumab
Neuromyelitis Optica
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Screening Emotions in Adolescents at the Hospital for mTBI (SEARCH-mTBI)

The goal of this observational study is to develop and validate a clinical tool to predict which adolescents aged 11 to less than 18 years of age with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are at an increased risk for developing significant new or worsening mental health conditions. The main aims the study wish to answer are: - Does the adolescent have new or worsening depression or anxiety defined as a change from their previous medical history using self-reported questionnaires at either one or three months post-injury? - Does the adolescent have unmet mental health care needs, defined as not receiving any mental or behavior health care in patients with new or worsening anxiety or depression as defined by the self reported questionnaires? Participants will be enrolled after being diagnosed in the emergency department (ED) with an mTBI. During the ED visit, the child's parent/caregiver and the adolescent will complete several questionnaires related to mental health which include tools to measure anxiety and depression. Participants will be asked to complete these questionnaires again at 1 month and 3 months post enrollment.

Aja Bayo, MSc

11 Years to 17 Years old
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Inclusion Criteria:
Children 11 to less than 18 years old who meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definition of mTBI\*. In brief, this is defined as a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 13 to 15 with:
• Head injury (e.g., direct blow or sudden deceleration/acceleration) plus any neurological sign and/or symptom such as headache, nausea, history of loss of consciousness, confusion, dizziness, amnesia (not limited to these symptoms/signs) AND/OR
• Traumatic intracranial abnormalities on CT or MRI (such as intracranial hemorrhage, skull fracture, or diffuse axonal injury) \*mTBI is defined as an acute brain injury resulting in neurological symptoms such as confusion or disorientation, headache, nausea, loss of consciousness, amnesia, seizure, focal signs or symptoms, and/or have traumatic intracranial abnormalities on CT or MRI imaging. mTBI patients have GCS scores of 13 to 15. Per CDC precedent, we will use the term mTBI which encompasses other commonly used terms such as "concussion" or "minor head injury". This will include patients who may have neuroimaging findings of traumatic abnormalities (e.g., intracranial hemorrhage, diffuse axonal injury, skull fractures) which are risk factors for mental health problems; however, neuroimaging is not required for enrollment into the study.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Presentation to the ED \>72 hours post-injury * TBI requiring emergent neurosurgical intervention at the time of enrollment * Other injuries requiring emergent surgery at the time of enrollment * Parent or child unable to accurately complete the study questionnaires due to preexisting functional limitations (e.g., severe developmental delay) * Previous known enrollment into the study * Patient or parent does not speak English or Spanish
BEHAVIORAL: Validated Questionnaires, BEHAVIORAL: Questionnaires, OTHER: Clinician / Medical Record Variables
Intracranial Hemorrhages, Brain Injuries, Brain Injuries, Acute, Brain Injury Traumatic Mild, Head Injury With Intracranial Hemorrhage, Head Injury Trauma, Brain Injury Traumatic Focal With Loss of Consciousness, Skull Fractures, Diffuse Axonal Injury, Head Injury
Child, Concussion, Wounds and Injuries, Brain Injuries, Head Injuries Trauma, Loss of Consciousness
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Screening for AL Amyloidosis in Smoldering Multiple Myeloma

In this multicenter study, we will recruit 400 patients 40 years of age or older at 15 centers with a diagnosis of smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), a group of patients for whom standard of care is observation not treatment. The main goal of this study is to screen for the diagnosis of light-chain amyloidosis (AL) before the onset of symptomatic disease and to develop a training set for a likelihood algorithm.

40 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Patients 40 years of age and older * diagnosed with Smoldering Multiple Myeloma * dFLC greater than 23 mg/L * abnormal FLC ratio * If the patient has an eGFR less than 50 mL/min/1.73m2, the FLC ratio is inconsequential. The patient only needs to meet the age and dFLC criterion.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Patients younger than 40 years of age are not eligible * Patients with a previous finding of amyloid in other biopsies will not be included * Adults unable to consent are not eligible, including the cognitively impaired Pregnant women, pregnant minors, minors (i.e., individuals who are not yet adults), wards of the state, non-viable neonates, neonates of uncertain viability, and prisoners are not eligible
Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
SMM, AL Amyloidosis
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A Research Study Comparing How Well Different Doses of the Medicine NN0519-0130 Help People With Excess Body Weight Lose Weight

This study will look at how a new medicine called NNC0519-0130 helps people with excess body weight lose weight. The study will test up to 6 different doses of NNC0519-0130. Participants will take 1-2 injections once a week. The study medicine will be injected under skin with a thin needle in the stomach, thigh, or upper arm. The study will last for about 42 weeks.

18 Years to 75 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Female of non-childbearing potential, or male. a. For US only: Female of childbearing potential using highly effective non-systemic methods of contraception with low user-dependency at least 2 months prior to screening and willingness to continue using it through-out the study, or male. * Age 18-75 years (both inclusive) at the time of signing the informed consent. * History of at least one self-reported unsuccessful dietary effort to lose body weight. * a) BMI ≥ 27.0 kg/m2 with the presence of at least one weight-related co-morbidity including, but not limited to, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, obstructive sleep apnoea or cardiovascular disease. * b) BMI ≥ 30.0 kg/m2.
Exclusion Criteria:
* HbA1c greater than equal to 6.5% (48 millimoles per mole (mmol/mol)) as measured by the central laboratory at screening. * History of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. * Treatment with any medication prescribed for the indication of obesity or weight management within 90 days before screening.
DRUG: NNC0519-0130, DRUG: Placebo, DRUG: Tirzepatide
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Health Outcomes of Parents With Cystic Fibrosis-Aim 2 (HOPeCF)

Ashley Keller

18 Years to old
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis via sweat test or genotype analysis * Became a first-time parent (including foster parent, step parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian) to a child under 5 years of age within the last 90 days
Exclusion Criteria:
* Undergone a lung transplant * Does not speak/read English or Spanish
OTHER: Parenthood
Cystic Fibrosis, Parenthood Status
cystic fibrosis, parenthood, highly effective modulator therapy
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A Study to Investigate the Effect of Lepodisiran on the Reduction of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Adults With Elevated Lipoprotein(a) - ACCLAIM-Lp(a)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of lepodisiran in reducing cardiovascular risk in participants with high lipoprotein(a) who have cardiovascular disease or are at risk of a heart attack or stroke. The study drug will be administered subcutaneously (SC) (under the skin).

18 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Have Lipoprotein(a) \[Lp(a)\] ≥175 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). * Meet criteria of either 2a or 2b: 2a: Individuals 18 years of age or older with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) with an event or revascularization. 2b: Individuals 55 years of age or older who are at risk for a first cardiovascular (CV) event and either: Documented coronary artery disease (CAD), carotid stenosis, or peripheral artery disease (PAD) without history of event or revascularization; known familial hypercholesteremia; or a combination of high-risk factors.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Have had a major cardiovascular event or surgery, such as myocardial infarction (MI), stroke or coronary or peripheral revascularization, \< 90 days before screening. * Have uncontrolled hypertension * Have New York Heart Association class IV heart failure. * Have lipoprotein apheresis within 90 days of screening, or planned lipoprotein apheresis during the study. * Have severe renal failure, defined as * Estimated glomerular rate (eGFR) \<15 milliliters per minute per 1.73 meters squared (mL/min/1.73m2) at screening Visit 1, or ongoing dialysis. * Have a diagnosis of active nephrotic syndrome, or urine albumin-creatinine ratio (UACR) of ≥5000 mg/g at screening Visit 1. * Have acute or chronic hepatitis, signs and symptoms of any other liver disease other than nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or any of these laboratory results as determined by the central laboratory at screening.
DRUG: Lepodisiran Sodium, DRUG: Placebo
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD), Elevated Lp(a)
ASCVD, LY3819469, lepodisiran
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Identifying Strategies to Curtail Weight Regain After GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Treatment Cessation

Longitudinal studies show there is a steep increase in weight regain in the first 3-4 months after stopping GLP-1 receptor agonist medications (GLP-1s) and most patients regain most of their weight within a year. Insurers now question the utility of GLP-1s for weight loss as they are hesitant to cover these costs long-term (~$833 per person per month). Some patients would also prefer not to take these medications in perpetuity and are likely to struggle with lifelong adherence. These challenges present an opportunity to test alternative interventions, such as meal replacements and behavioral treatments, to support weight maintenance after successful weight loss with GLP-1s. This regimen would allow patients to benefit from significant weight loss in the first year of taking GLP-1s and use more cost effective and sustainable strategies for long-term maintenance.

Call 214-648-5005,

Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen
18 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion criteria:
• 18 years of age or older;
• ability to read, write, and speak English;
• ability to provide informed consent;
• greater than 10% GLP-1 Receptor Agonist induced weight loss
• less than 30-days since GLP-1 Receptor Agonist cessation;
• willing to participate. Exclusion criteria:
• major psychiatric illness or substance misuse that could impair ability to participate;
• presence of a medical condition or dietary restriction precluding eating study meals or weight loss (e.g., medical condition requiring liquid diet, pregnancy, eating disorder);
• participation in a study or program involving medically tailored meals or Noom® within the past 12-months.
Other: Medically tailored meals, Behavioral: Noom®, Other: Usual care
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists, Body Weight Maintenance
UT Southwestern
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Socioecological Factors Associated With Ethnic Disparities in Bariatric Surgery Utilization and Post-WLS

The goal of this cross-sectional observational study is to examine potential relationships between the blood and gut microbiota of patients with obesity before and after weight loss surgery (WLS) and evaluate potential ethnic differences in the blood and gut microbiotas before and after the WLS. The main aims / objectives of this sub-study are: - Aim 1. Compare the relationship between the blood and the gut microbiomes among a sample of (1) pre-WLS and (2) 6-month post-WLS participants. Hypothesis: Blood bacterial composition will resemble that of the gut microbiome among pre-WLS participants. Because the effect of WLS on the blood microbiome is not known, our post-WLS results will be mostly exploratory. - Aim 2. Determine racial differences in the blood microbiome of the pre- and post-WLS groups. Hypothesis2: Ethnic differences will be detected in both the pre- and post-WLS groups.

18 Years to 60 Years old
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Inclusion Criteria:
* 18-60 years old * Will belong to either Non-Hispanic Whites (NHW) or Non-Hispanic Blacks (NHB) ethnic groups * "No-WLS" participants will have a BMI \>35 kg/m2 (threshold BMI for WLS) whereas "6 months post-WLS" participants will have no BMI requirements.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Having taken antibiotics in the previous 6 months; * Metformin, proton pump inhibitors, probiotics, or prebiotics in the previous month; * Currently following a vegetarian diet; * Pregnancy; * Having any infection in the previous month; and * Having a comorbid disease that might alter the blood microbiome composition (e.g., renal failure) or the intestinal permeability (e.g., IBS).
Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome
Weight loss surgery, Bariatric surgery, Gut Microbiome, Blood Microbiome
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Phenotyping of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

This is an observational study to deeply phenotype the disorder of POTS using multiple testing modalities.

Steve Hopkins

14 Years and over
This study is also accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
POTS Patients * Age ≥ 14 years, able to provide informed consent (assent with parental consent for age \< 18) and comply with procedures * Meets consensus criteria for POTS: (1) sustained increase in heart rate ≥ 30 bpm above supine baseline within 10 min of quiet standing or upright tilt (≥ 40 bpm in individuals 12 to 19 years of age) OR sustained upright HR (heart rate) \>120 bpm, (2) absence of orthostatic hypotension, (3) symptoms with standing that improve with sitting or lying down, (4) resting supine heart rate \< 100 bpm, (5) orthostatic symptoms present for at least 6 months * Stable oral medication regimen for at least 14 days Non-POTS Control Patients * Healthy women, age 18 - 30 years, able to provide informed consent and comply with study procedures * Does NOT meet consensus criteria for postural tachycardia syndrome * No symptoms of orthostatic intolerance or dysautonomia. No history of other major medical disorder * Resting supine heart rate \< 100 bpm
Exclusion Criteria:
None of the following exclusion criteria: * Use of amphetamine-type stimulants, diuretics, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, anticholinergic medications (including tricyclic antidepressant medications), fludrocortisone, desmopressin in past 14 days * Use of other autonomic drugs (adrenergic agents, pyridostigmine, droxidopa, triptans, ivabradine) in past 48 hours * Currently receiving IVIG (Intravenous immunoglobulin), subcutaneous IgG (Immunoglobulin G), or any investigational medication (in past year) * Infusion of iv fluids in past 7 days * History or evidence of another condition explaining symptoms or orthostatic tachycardia (e.g. structural heart disease, CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) hypovolemia, or severe traumatic brain injury)
DIAGNOSTIC_TEST: multimodal diagnostic testing
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
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A Study of Tiragolumab Plus Atezolizumab Compared With Placebo Plus Atezolizumab in Participants With Completely Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Who Have Received Adjuvant Platinum-based Chemotherapy (SKYSCRAPER-15)

18 Years to old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0 or 1 * Histological or cytological diagnosis of Stage IIB, IIIA, and select IIIB NSCLC of either non-squamous or squamous histology * Participants must have had complete resection of NSCLC * Participants must have received between one to four cycles of adjuvant histology-based platinum doublet chemotherapy * Participants must have recovered adequately from surgery and from adjuvant chemotherapy * Tumor cell PD-L1 expression at \>/= 1% * Adequate hematologic and end-organ function.
Exclusion Criteria:
* Any history of prior NSCLC within the last 5 years * Any evidence of residual disease or disease recurrence following surgical resection of NSCLC, or during or following adjuvant chemotherapy * NSCLC known to have mutation in the EGFR gene or an ALK fusion oncogene
DRUG: Atezolizumab, DRUG: Tiragolumab, DRUG: Placebo
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
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Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychosis

There are three hypotheses proposed for this study: 1) Participants will report no unanticipated serious adverse events during the eight months of treatment. 2) Investigators will successfully model psychotic versus non-psychotic brain states using support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. 3) Participants specific brain stimulation parameters can induce a change in the brain state consistent with non-psychotic states as measured by classifier output. Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 address safety and tolerability, efficacy, and the putative mechanism of successful treatment. The overall objective is to use next generation Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) combined with antecedent stereo electroencephalogram (SEEG) mapping to establish a new therapy for treatment-refractory schizophrenia given the limitations of current treatment modalities. The primary objective is to demonstrate safety of acute and chronic network guided stimulation for treatment-refractory schizophrenia. Exploratory Objectives: 1. Use intracranial mapping (SEEG) combined with pharmacological manipulation of psychotic states to create a protocol for participant specific deep brain stimulation to treat treatment-refractory schizophrenia. 2. Develop closed loop stimulation protocols to modify brain states during psychotic brain activity induced by low-dose ketamine administration. 3. Investigate the use of mnemonic similarity to characterize brain networks related to symptoms of treatment-refractory schizophrenia. 4. Treatment-related objectives: Record a reduction in psychotic symptoms, as well as an improvement in psychosocial function and cognition.

22 Years to 70 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Men and women (non-pregnant) between ages 22 and 70;
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -5 diagnosis (assessed by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Axis I disorders SCID-5) of schizophrenia as the primary diagnosis.
• Medically healthy, without any acute serious medical disorders
• Treatment refractory and previous trials of treatment defined as: Demonstrated non-sustained response to at least two different antipsychotic drugs from two different chemical families. And demonstrated non-sustained response to at least either an electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or a clozapine trial.
• Suffering from active and ongoing psychotic symptoms of a continuous and aversive nature.
• The PANSS must remain greater than or equal to 90 on two separate assessments (at initial screening and 1 week before surgery), over a 1-month period;
• At least one item on the PANSS positive subscale is 5 or greater.
• Normal brain MRI within 3 months of surgery;
• Stable antipsychotic medication regimen for the month preceding surgery;
• Normal thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level within 12 months of study entry;
• Other medical conditions must be stable for at least 6 months;
• Able and willing to give informed consent and agree to attend regular clinic visits for at least 12 months following surgery;
• Able to have a treating psychiatrist or close relative present for discussions about the study and co-sign informed consent;
• Willingness to sign Treatment Contract.
• Participants with a family or caregiver support system to aid the participant throughout the study will be preferentially selected for inclusion.
• For women of childbearing potential:
• Required to provide a negative pregnancy blood test during screening phase of the study, and during several additional timepoints throughout study participation.
• Obligated to use highly effective (those that when used alone or in combination, result in a low failure rate \[i.e., less than 1 percent per year\], when used consistently and correctly) methods of birth control throughout study participation.
• Will be allowed to participate in the study only after a confirmed menstrual period.
• For men: Obligated to use highly effective (those that when used alone or in combination, result in a low failure rate \[i.e., less than 1 percent per year\], when used consistently and correctly) methods of birth control throughout study participation.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Active alcohol or substance use disorder within 6 months, excluding nicotine; Urine drug test positive for illicit drugs;
• Current substantial suicidal risk as defined by a plan or clear immediate intent for self-harm, or made a suicide attempt within the last year; or as identified as The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS),
• Neurological/Medical condition that makes the participant, in the opinion of the surgeon, a poor surgical candidate (e.g., progressive neurodegenerative disorder, significant cardiopulmonary disorder, need for chronic anticoagulation);
• Any history of seizure disorder, hemorrhagic stroke, or has high risk of seizure (history of congenital brain malformation, history of brain injury, neuro-developmental disorder, currently taking medication that is known to lower seizure threshold, or other factors that predispose seizures);
• Any medical contraindication to surgery such as infection;
• Coagulopathy: Bleeding propensity and/or one of the following: international normalised ratio (INR) \> 1.5; prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) ≥ 45 sec; platelet count \< 100×103 /uL;
• Uncontrolled hypertension (systolic \> 140mmHg and/or diastolic \> 90 mmHg), demonstrated on each of three repeated measurements taken within one hour regardless of whether or not the participant is taking antihypertensive medications.
• Patients with a heart-rate corrected QT interval (QTc) of \> 450 msec
• Participation in another drug, device, or biological study within 90 days;
• Current implanted stimulation devices including cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, and neurostimulators including spinal cord stimulators and deep brain stimulators;
• Need for Diathermy;
• Chronic use of anticoagulant or anti-platelet agents that cannot be safely stopped for a sufficient duration (minimum 2.5 weeks) in the peri-operative period.
• Any Psychiatric/Neurological/Medical condition that makes the participant, in the opinion of the Investigator, a poor candidate.
• A female participant of childbearing potential who is not able or willing to use highly effective (those that when used alone or in combination, result in a low failure rate \[i.e., less than 1 percent per year\], when used consistently and correctly) methods of birth control throughout the duration of participation in the trial.
• A female participant of childbearing potential who is not able or willing to provide a negative pregnancy blood test during the screening phase of the study and during several additional timepoints throughout study participation. Specifically, the investigators will require a pregnancy test on the day of ketamine (or placebo) administration to avoid the risk of administering ketamine to a pregnant patient.
• A separate cardiac condition that, in the opinion of study physician would present an unacceptable risk of undergoing general anesthesia or ketamine administration.
• Participants with poorly controlled hypertension or persistent tachycardia, at baseline, will be excluded.
• Participants who are taking an anti-depressant medication.
• Any known contraindications for ketamine and/or esketamine (Spravato):
• Patients for whom a significant elevation of blood pressure would constitute a serious hazard, according to the opinion of the study PI.
• Patients with known hypersensitivity to ketamine, esketamine, or to any of the excipients.
• Patients with Aneurysmal vascular disease (including thoracic and abdominal aorta, intracranial, and peripheral arterial vessels) or arteriovenous malformation.
• Patients with a history of intracerebral hemorrhage.
• Patients with resting heart rate over 90 or below 55 beats per minute (BPM)
• Participants taking a medication with a known interaction with ketamine or esketamine (amphetamines, monoamine oxidase (MAO)-Is, aminophylline, theophylline, norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, dobutamine, ephedrine, ethanol, Ergometrine/Ergonovine). Patients taking benzodiazepines will not be excluded as this is recommended to prompt monitoring of patients in the information for esketamine. Dr. McDonagh will review such cases including for symptoms of sedation associated with their use and the dosage and duration of therapy for each. The investigators will exclude subjects who have any evidence of central nervous system (CNS) depression, such as decreased level of arousal or respiratory depression, thought to be linked with CNS depressants. The investigators will use the PRODIGY score to exclude any patient taking one of these medicines determined to be HIGH risk (score of 15 points or higher, The investigators note that ketamine has been used as an adjunct for sedation with benzodiazepines and opiates in the anesthesia environment, and the FDA's guidance on ketamine states: "KETALAR has been studied in over 12,000 operative and diagnostic procedures, involving over 10,000 patients from 105 separate studies. During the course of these studies KETALAR was administered as the sole agent, as induction for other general agents, or to supplement low-potency agents."
• During the ketamine administration phase in the hospital, patients with a history of benzodiazepine (or other CNS depressant) usage will undergo more frequent documentation of respiratory rate and heart rate (every 10 minutes). All patients will undergo continuous pulse oximetry monitoring to initiate supportive measures if there is any evidence of respiratory depression. In any patient with a history of opiate or 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ) administration, the investigators will have both flumazenil and naloxone immediately available at the bedside for administration if there is any evidence of respiratory distress.
• On the day of planned ketamine (or placebo) administration, Dr. McDonagh will review all medicines being administered to the patient to ensure there is no potential interaction. This will be documented on the Ketamine Administration Checklist included in appendix 6.
• On the day of planned ketamine (or placebo) administration, subjects will undergo a urine drug screen to avoid the accidental administration of ketamine to a patient who tests positive for any agents that is contraindicated (such as psychostimulants or CNS depressants). This is now reflected in the ketamine administration checklist (appendix 6).
DEVICE: Abbott Laboratories Infinity™ implantable deep brain stimulation system
Treatment-Refractory Schizophrenia
Deep Brain Stimulation, Schizophrenia, Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia
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A Study of LY4101174 in Participants With Recurrent, Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors

The purpose of this study is to find out whether the study drug, LY4101174, is safe, tolerable and effective in participants with advanced, or metastatic solid tumors. The study is conducted in two parts - phase Ia (dose-escalation, dose-optimization) and phase Ib (dose-expansion). The study will last up to approximately 4 years.

Call 833-722-6237

Tian Zhang
18 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Have one of the following solid tumor cancers: * Cohort A1: urothelial carcinoma, triple negative breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer (squamous cell carcinoma), head and neck squamous cell carcinoma or prostate cancer * Cohort A2/B1/B2: urothelial carcinoma * Cohort C1: triple negative breast cancer * Cohort C2: non-small cell lung cancer * Cohort C3: ovarian or fallopian tube cancer * Cohort C4: cervical cancer * Cohort C5: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma * Prior Systemic Therapy Criteria: * Cohort A1/C1-5: Individual has received all standard therapies for which the participant was deemed to be an appropriate candidate by the treating investigator; OR there is no standard therapy available for the disease. There is no restriction on number of prior therapies * Cohort A2/B1/B2: Individual must have received at least one prior regimen in the advanced or metastatic setting. There is no restriction on number of prior therapies. * Prior enfortumab vedotin specific requirements: * Cohorts A1/A2/C1-5: prior treatment with enfortumab vedotin is allowed, but not required * Cohort B1: individual must be enfortumab vedotin naive in the advanced/metastatic setting * Cohort B2: individual must have received enfortumab vedotin in the metastatic/advanced setting. * Measurability of disease * Cohort A1: measurable or non-measurable disease as defined by Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors v1.1 (RECIST 1.1) * Cohorts A2, B1, B2, C1-5: measurable disease required as defined by RECIST v1.1 * Have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1 * Have adequate archival tumor tissue sample available or undergo a screening biopsy if allowed per country specific regulations
Exclusion Criteria:
* Individual with known or suspected uncontrolled CNS metastases * Individual with uncontrolled hypercalcemia * Individual with uncontrolled diabetes * Individual with evidence of corneal keratopathy or history of corneal transplant * Any serious unresolved toxicities from prior therapy * Significant cardiovascular disease * Current of history of intestinal obstruction in the previous 3 months * Recent thromboembolic event or bleeding disorder * Prolongation of QT interval corrected for heart rate using Fridericia's formula (QTcF) ≥ 470 ms * History of pneumonitis/interstitial lung disease * History of Grade ≥3 skin toxicity when receiving enfortumab vedotin * Individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed during study or within 30 days of last dose of study intervention
DRUG: LY4101174
Prostate Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Advanced Solid Tumor, Metastatic Solid Tumor, Recurrent Solid Tumor, Urinary Bladder Neoplasm, Renal Pelvis Cancer
Bladder Cancer, Bladder Neoplasm, Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma, Urinary Bladder Cancer, Urinary Tract Cancer, Urothelial Neoplasms, Renal Pelvis Cancer, Ureter Cancer, Nectin-4, Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC)
UT Southwestern
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A Study of JNJ-77242113 for the Treatment of Participants With Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis (ICONIC-ADVANCE 2)

The purpose of the study is to evaluate how effective JNJ-77242113 is in participants with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis compared to placebo and deucravacitinib.

Call 214-648-5005,

Joseph Merola
18 Years and over
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Diagnosis of plaque psoriasis, with or without psoriatic arthritis (PsA), for at least 26 weeks prior to the first administration of study intervention * Total body surface area (BSA) greater than or equal to (\>=)10 percent (%) at screening and baseline * Total psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) \>=12 at screening and baseline * Total investigator global assessment (IGA) \>=3 at screening and baseline * Candidate for phototherapy or systemic treatment for plaque psoriasis
Exclusion Criteria:
* Nonplaque form of psoriasis (for example, erythrodermic, guttate, or pustular) * Current drug-induced psoriasis (for example, a new onset of psoriasis or an exacerbation of psoriasis from beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or lithium) * A current diagnosis or signs or symptoms of severe, progressive, or uncontrolled renal, liver, cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurologic, hematologic, rheumatologic, psychiatric, or metabolic disturbances * Known allergies, hypersensitivity, or intolerance to JNJ-77242113, deucravacitinib or to any of the excipients or components of the study intervention * Major surgical procedure, (for example, requiring general anesthesia) within 8 weeks before screening, or will not have fully recovered from surgical procedure, or has a surgical procedure planned during the time the participant is expected to participate in the study
DRUG: JNJ-77242113, DRUG: JNJ-77242113 Matching Placebo, DRUG: Deucravacitinib, DRUG: Deucravacitinib Matching Placebo
Plaque Psoriasis
UT Southwestern
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Trial of Naltrexone/Bupropion for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Use Disorder

18 Years to 65 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Is 18 to 65 years of age;
• Meets DSM-5 criteria for moderate or severe MUD (4 or more criteria);
• Is interested in reducing or stopping MA use;
• Is able to speak English sufficiently to understand the study procedures and provide written informed consent to participate in the study;
• Self-reports MA use on 18 or more days in the 30-day period prior to consent using the Timeline Followback (TLFB);
• Provides at least 2 urine samples positive for MA out of up to 3 tests, which will occur at least 2 days apart within a 10-day period;
• If assigned as female at birth and/or currently has a uterus, is not pregnant, agrees to use acceptable birth control methods, and have periodic urine pregnancy testing done during participation in the study unless documentation of hysterectomy provided;
• Is not physically dependent on opioids and meets subjective and objective measures of being opioid-free prior to naltrexone injection per study medical clinician's determination, including, if clinically required, a negative naloxone challenge;
• Is willing to comply with all study procedures and medication instructions;
• Agrees to use a smartphone app (downloaded for free to own device or on a study provided smartphone device) to take daily videos of medication dosing.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Has an acute medical or psychiatric disorder that would, in the judgment of the study medical clinician, make participation difficult or unsafe;
• Has suicidal or homicidal ideation that requires immediate attention;
• Has a history of epilepsy, seizure disorder, or head trauma with neurological sequelae (e.g., loss of consciousness that required hospitalization); current anorexia nervosa or bulimia; or any other conditions that increase seizure risk in the opinion of the study medical clinician;
• Has evidence of second or third degree heart block, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, prolongation of the QTc, or any other finding on the screening ECG that, in the opinion of the study medical clinician, would preclude safe participation in the study;
• Has Stage 2 hypertension as determined by the study medical clinician (e.g., greater than or equal to 160/100 in 2 out of 3 readings during screening);
• Has any elevated bilirubin test value per laboratory criteria OR any other liver function test (LFT) value \> 5 times the upper limit of normal per laboratory criteria;
• Has a platelet count \<100 x 10exp3/microliter;
• Has a body habitus that precludes gluteal intramuscular injection of XR-NTX in accordance with the administration equipment (needle) and procedures;
• Has a known allergy or sensitivity to bupropion, naloxone, naltrexone, PLG (polyactideco-glycolide), carboxymethylcellulose or any other component of the XR-NTX diluents;
• Has been in a prior study of pharmacological or behavioral treatment for MUD within 6 months of study consent;
• Has taken an investigational drug in another study within 30 days of study consent;
• Has been prescribed and taken naltrexone or bupropion within 30 days of study consent;
• Is concurrently enrolled in formal behavioral or pharmacological Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment services;
• Is receiving ongoing treatment with tricyclic antidepressants, xanthines (i.e., theophylline and aminophylline), systemic corticosteroids, nelfinavir, efavirenz, chlorpromazine, MAOIs, central nervous system stimulants (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin, etc.), or any medication that, in the judgment of the study medical clinician, could interact adversely with study medications;
• Has a current pattern of alcohol, benzodiazepine, or other sedative hypnotic use which would preclude safe participation in the study as determined by the study medical clinician;
• Requires treatment with opioid-containing medications (e.g., opioid analgesics) during the study period;
• Has a surgery planned or scheduled during the study period;
• Is currently in jail, prison or any inpatient overnight facility as required by court of law or have pending legal action or other situation (e.g., unstable living arrangements) that could prevent participation in the study or in any study activities;
• If assigned as female at birth and/or currently has a uterus, is currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning on conception.
DRUG: extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX), DRUG: extended release bupropion (BUP-XL) tablets (BUP-XL), DRUG: iPLB, DRUG: oPLB
Methamphetamine Abuse, Methamphetamine-dependence
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A Study of Amantadine for Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients With Long-Covid

Purpose: To decrease symptom burden, improve cognitive function, improve endurance, and decrease fatigue in subjects with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) or "long-hauler" COVID using amantadine. If amantadine use is determined to be efficacious in this population, the findings of this study will be used towards a subsequent randomized control trial.

Brittany Wright, PhD

20 Years to 65 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Age 20-65 * Can provide informed consent * Confirmed COVID+ test (either rapid antigen or PCR) between 8 weeks and one year prior to initial visit. * Able to consent in English * Endorse symptoms during their initial evaluation and history with the provider that began around the time of the acute COVID19 infection (subjective) including cognitive changes such as cognitive fatigue, brain fog, memory issues,attention issues AND have symptoms in at least 1 out of the 2 following symptom categories: * Category 1: Decreased endurance, physical fatigue, weakness * Category 2: Depression, anxiety
Exclusion Criteria:
* Known hypersensitivity to amantadine * Clinically significant psychiatric, neurologic, renal, hepatic, opthalmologic, cardiac impairment in the opinion of the investigators, including but not limited to: * Psychiatric: * Acute or chronic unstable Axis I psychiatric illness * History of psychosis * Severe depression Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) score \>= 20 * Suicidality * Neurologic: * Epilepsy * Cognitive dysfunction predating COVID infection * History of delirium * Neurologic conditions with agitation or confusion
DRUG: Amantadine, OTHER: Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy, OTHER: Provider Counseling, OTHER: Medications for symptoms management
Long COVID, Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome
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A Research Study Looking Into How Ziltivekimab Works Compared to Placebo in Participants With Heart Failure and Inflammation (ATHENA)

The study is being done to see if ziltivekimab can be used to treat participants living with heart failure and inflammation. Participants will either get ziltivekimab (active medicine) or placebo (inactive substance that looks like the study medicine but does not contain any medicine). The treatment participants get is decided by chance. Participant's chance of getting ziltivekimab or placebo is the same. Ziltivekimab is not yet approved in any country or region in the world. It is a new medicine that doctors cannot prescribe. The study is expected to last for up to 1 year and 4 months.

18 Years and over
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) greater than or equal to 2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) at screening (visit 1) * Disease specific - cardiovascular: * N-terminal-pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) greater than or equal to 225 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL) (375 pg/mL for participants with atrial fibrillation/flutter) at screening * Diagnosis of heart failure (New York heart association (NYHA) Class II-III) * Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) greater than 40 percent documented by echocardiography within 12 months prior to or at screening (visit 1). The LVEF must be documented in medical records and the most recent measurement must be used to determine eligibility with no interim event signalling potential deterioration in ejection fraction (example myocardial infarction (MI) or heart failure (HF) hospitalisation) * Structural heart disease and/or functional heart disease documented by echocardiography within 12 months prior to or at screening (visit 1) showing at least one of the following:
• Left atrial (LA) volume index greater than 34 milliliter per square meter (mL/m\^2)
• LA diameter greater than or equal to 3.8 centimeter (cm)
• LA length greater than or equal to 5.0 cm
• LA area greater than or equal to 20 square centimeter (cm\^2)
• LA volume greater than or equal to 55 milliliter (mL)
• Intraventricular septal thickness greater than or equal to 1.1 cm
• Posterior wall thickness greater than or equal to 1.1 cm
• LV mass index greater than or equal to 115 gram per square meter (g/m\^2) in men or greater than or equal to 95 g/m\^2 in women h) E/e' (mean septal and lateral) greater than or equal to 10 i) e' (mean septal and lateral) less than 9 centimeter per second (cm/s) * No heart failure hospitalisations or urgent heart failure visits between screening and randomisation * Able to perform the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) at screening with a minimum distance of 100 metres * Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) clinical summary score lesser than 80 at screening
Exclusion Criteria:
* Medical conditions - cardiovascular: * Myocardial infarction, stroke, unstable angina pectoris, transient ischaemic attack, or heart failure hospitalisation within 30 days prior to screening (visit 1) * Systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 180 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) at screening (visit 1). If the systolic blood pressure is 160-179 mmHg, the patient should be receiving greater than or equal to 3 antihypertensive drugs * Heart rate above 110 or below 40 beats per minute as evaluated on the Electrocardiogram (ECG) performed at screening (visit 1) * Planned coronary, carotid or peripheral artery revascularisation known during the screening period (visit 1) * Planned cardiac device or atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation ablation procedure known during the screening period (visit 1) * Major cardiac surgical, non-cardiac surgical, or major endoscopic procedure (thoracoscopic or laparoscopic) within the past 60 days prior to randomisation (visit 2) or any major surgical procedure planned at the time of randomisation (visit 2) * Heart failure due to infiltrative cardiomyopathy (e.g., sarcoid, amyloid), arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Takutsubo cardiomyopathy, genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or obstructive cardiomyopathy, active myocarditis, constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, uncorrected more than moderate primary valve disease * Primary pulmonary hypertension, chronic pulmonary embolism, severe pulmonary disease including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) * Any other condition judged by the investigator that could account for heart failure symptoms and signs (e.g., anaemia, hypothyroidism) * Medical conditions - infections/immunosuppression: * Clinical evidence of, or suspicion of, active infection at the discretion of the investigator
DRUG: Ziltivekimab, DRUG: Placebo
Heart Failure, Systemic Inflammation
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A Dose-finding Study to Evaluate mRNA-3210 in Participants With Phenylketonuria

The main goal of this study is to assess the safety, and tolerability of multiple doses of mRNA-3210 in participants with phenylketonuria (PKU).

Call 214-648-5005,

Markey McNutt
18 Years to 70 Years old
Phase 1/Phase 2
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Confirmed diagnosis of PKU due to phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) deficiency by molecular genetic testing from a central lab.
• At least 3 blood phenylalanine levels ≥600 micromole(μmol)/Litre (L) regardless of diet: 2 obtained during the screening period (at least 72 hours apart) and at least one historical value 6 to 24 months prior to start of screening.
• Have received documented approval from a study dietitian confirming that participant is willing and able to maintain dietary protein intake consistent with baseline intake during study participation.
• If applicable, maintained stable dose of neuropsychiatric medication (that is, for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorders) prior to enrollment and willing to maintain stable dose throughout study participation unless, per investigator assessment, a change is clinically indicated.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Receipt of sapropterin or large-neutral amino acids within 14 days or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) of the start of screening.
• Receipt of pegvaliase within 2 months of start of screening.
• For participants previously on pegvaliase: use or planned use of any injectable drugs containing polyethylene glycol (PEG), including medroxyprogesterone injection, within 3 months prior to the start of screening and during study participation with the exception of COVID-19 vaccinations.
• Receipt of any investigational drug within 30 days or 5-half-lives (whichever is longer) of screening.
• History of hypersensitivity to any component/excipient used in this study.
• Any other clinically significant medical condition that, in the Investigator's opinion, could interfere with the interpretation of study results or limit the participant's participation in the study Note: Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria apply.
Drug: mRNA-3210
Other Endocrine System, Phenylketonuria
mRNA-3210, Autosomal recessive genetic disorder, Central Nervous System Diseases, Nervous System Diseases, Brain Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, Phenylketonuria, In-born errors of metabolism, Phenylalanine, Rare metabolic disease
UT Southwestern
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Polypill for Prevention of Cardiomyopathy (PolyPreventHF)

This study will investigate the utility of a polypill-based strategy for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and high risk of heart failure (HF), as assessed via the WATCH-DM risk score. Polypill therapy will consist of empagliflozin 12.5 mg, losartan 50 or 100 mg, and finerenone 10 mg daily. The study duration is 3 months, and participants will be randomized to either polypill therapy or usual care. The primary outcome is change in peak VO2 and adherence to usual care. The investigators hypothesize that the use of a polypill is feasible and improves medication adherence and peak VO2 as compared to those receiving usual care.

Call 214-648-5005,

Ambarish Pandey
18 Years to 100 Years old
Phase 1/Phase 2
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Patients with Type 2 DM and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (with albumin measured in milligrams and creatinine measured in grams) of 30 to less than 300 and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 25 to 90 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area (stage 2 to 4 CKD) with either a:
• High risk of HF as defined by High Watch-DM score (≥11) or
• Elevated natriuretic peptides or
• Diastolic dysfunction or left ventricular hypertrophy on echocardiography
Exclusion Criteria:

• eGFR < 25
• Congestive heart failure
• Hyperkalemia > 5.0
• Contraindication to any component of polypill
• Pregnancy
• Creatinine >2.0mg/dL in men and >1.8mg/dL in women
• Inability to calculate WATCH-DM score
• Inability to undergo exercise testing
Drug: Polypill
Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular, High Blood Pressure
Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetic Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension, Polypill
UT Southwestern
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Efficacy of LoDoCo in Improving Exercise Capacity Among Patients With HFpEF and Inflammation

The purpose of this research study is to determine the effectiveness of low dose colchicine (LoDoCo) on measures of exercise capacity, physical function, frailty, and quality of life, among patients with heart failure with chronic stable preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and systemic inflammation. The use of LoDoCo in this study is considered investigational as it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of exercise capacity in patients with HFpEF. Participants will undergo a 1-day screening that includes a blood draw and physical examination. If deemed eligible for the study, participants will undergo a baseline visit within 2 weeks of screening visit that includes physical examination, exercise testing, echocardiography and completion of quality-of-life surveys. Participants will also be randomized at this visit (randomly assigned to a group) to receive either LoDoCo or placebo (inactive substance) for 3 months. Participants will be called back at 3 months for repeat physical examination, blood draws, echocardiography, exercise testing and completion of quality-of-life surveys. Each visit will take about 3 hours. Total study duration is about 3 months.

Call 214-648-5005,

Ambarish Pandey
50 Years and over
Phase 2
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• 1. Informed consent was obtained before any study-related activities. Study-related activities are any procedures that are carried out as part of the study, including activities to determine suitability for the study.
• Age 50 years or above at the time of signing the informed consent. 3. Serum hs-CRP 2 mg/L at the time of baseline testing. 4. Diagnosis of chronic HFpEF within 6 months of enrolment must have one of the following: a. Structural Heart Disease with one of the following on echocardiography within 12 months of enrolment. i. LA volume index > 34 ml/m2. ii. LA diameter ≥ 3.8 cm. iii. LA length ≥ 5.0 cm. iv. LA area ≥ 20 cm2. v. LA volume ≥ 55 mL. vi. Intraventricular septal thickness ≥1.1 cm. vii. Posterior wall thickness ≥1.1 cm. viii. LV mass index ≥115 g∕m2 in men or ≥ 95 g∕m2 in women. ix. E/e' (mean septal and lateral) ≥ 10. x. e' (mean septal and lateral) < 9 cm/s b. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) at rest³15 mmHg or Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) ³18 mmHg, (PCWP) with exercise ³25 mmHg or (³ 2 mmHg/L/min) c. HF hospitalization or urgent/unplanned visit with a primary diagnosis of decompensated heart failure which required intravenous loop diuretic treatment, within the last 9 months prior to enrolment in combination with NT-proBNP ≥ 125 pg/mL within 1 month of enrolment for patients without ongoing atrial fibrillation/flutter. If ongoing atrial fibrillation/flutter at screening NT-proBNP must be ≥ 300 pg/mL 5. Ambulatory participants who can perform cardiopulmonary exercise testing. 6. Stable doses of HF-specific medications within the last 1 month.
• Stable level of physical activity 8. Stable dose of any weight loss medications.
Exclusion Criteria:

• 1. Do not otherwise meet the inclusion criteria. 2. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or may be considering pregnancy during the study period.
• Renal impairment: eGFR <30mL/min 4. Severe valvular heart disease is considered likely to require intervention. 5. Life expectancy <1 year. 6. Unable to perform cardiopulmonary exercise testing. 7. ALT or AST >2.5 ULN at time of screening
Drug: Low Dose Colchicine, Drug: Placebo
Heart Failure, Heart, Inflammation
UT Southwestern
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A Research Study to See How Well CagriSema Compared to Tirzepatide Helps People With Obesity Lose Weight

This study will look at how well CagriSema compared to Tirzepatide helps people lower their body weight. CagriSema is a new investigational medicine developed by Novo Nordisk that combines Cagrilintide and Semaglutide. CagriSema is not yet being prescribed by doctors. Participant will get injections once a week throughout the treatment period. Participant will inject the study medicine under the skin with a pen injector in the thigh, stomach, or upper arm. After a first low dose, the study medicine will be gradually increased until reaching the planned dose (2.4 mg CagriSema or 15 mg Tirzepatide). The study will last for about one and a half year for each participant.

Call 214-648-5005,

Ildiko Lingvay
18 Years and over
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:
* Male or female * Age 18 years or above at the time of signing the informed consent * Body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 30.0 kilogram per square meter (kg/m\^2)
Exclusion Criteria:
* Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥ 6.5 % (48 millimoles per mole \[mmol/mol\]) as measured by the central laboratory at screening * History of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus
DRUG: Cagrilintide, DRUG: Semaglutide, DRUG: Tirzepatide
UT Southwestern
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A Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Debio 4326 in Pediatric Participants Receiving Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Therapy for Central Precocious Puberty (LIBELULA)

5 Years to 8 Years old
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Diagnosis of central precocious puberty and currently receiving GnRHa therapy.
• Onset of development of sex characteristics (i.e., breast development in girls or testicular enlargement in boys according to the Tanner method) before the age of 8 years in girls and 9 years in boys.
• Initially, only participants aged (a) 5 to 8 years inclusive (i.e., \<9 years) are eligible. The Sponsor will determine based on the recommendation of the DMC following the interim analysis whether participants aged 2 to 4 years inclusive (i.e., \<5 years) and/or 9 to 10 years inclusive (i.e., \<11 years) may be recruited.
• Participant to receive at least 1 year of GnRHa therapy from study treatment start.
• Start of initial GnRHa therapy no later than 18 months after onset of the first signs of Central precocious puberty (CPP).
• Difference between bone age (Greulich and Pyle method) and chronological age of ≥1 year based on historical values at the initiation of the GnRHa therapy.
• Pubertal-type LH response following a GnRH/GnRHa stimulation test, or random non-stimulated serum (if considered local standard of care), based on historical values prior to the initiation of GnRHa therapy.
• Clinical evidence of puberty, defined as Tanner Staging ≥2 for breast development for girls and testicular volume ≥4 mL (cc) for boys, prior to the initiation of GnRHa therapy.
Exclusion Criteria:

• Gonadotropin-independent (peripheral) precocious puberty: gonadotropin-independent gonadal or adrenal sex steroid secretion.
• Non-progressing, isolated premature thelarche prior to the initial GnRHa therapy.
• Presence of an unstable intracranial tumor or an intracranial tumor potentially requiring neurosurgery or cerebral irradiation. Participants with hamartomas not requiring surgery are eligible.
• Any other condition or chronic illness possibly interfering with growth (e.g., renal failure, diabetes, moderate to severe scoliosis, previously treated intracranial tumor).
• Other than GnRHa therapy, any ongoing treatment with a potential effect on serum levels of gonadotropins or sex steroids, or possibly interfering with growth.
• Prior or current therapy with medroxyprogesterone acetate, growth hormone, or Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).
• Diagnosis of short stature, i.e., more than 2.25 standard deviations (SD) below the mean height-for-age.
• Known history of seizures, epilepsy, and/or central nervous system disorders that may have been associated with seizures or convulsions.
• Prior (within 2 months of study treatment start) or current use of medications that have been associated with seizures or convulsions.
• Use of anticoagulants (heparin or coumarin derivatives).
DRUG: Debio 4326
Central Precocious Puberty
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Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability and Drug Levels of BMS-986435/MYK-224 in Participants With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) (AURORA-HFpEF)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and exposure-response (E-R) of BMS-986435/MYK-224 in participants with symptomatic Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF).

40 Years to 90 Years old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria
• Adult participants with stable, symptomatic HFpEF with a normal heart pumping ability. Exclusion Criteria * Participants must not have a known diagnosis of obstructive or genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or infiltrative/storage disorder such as cardiac amyloidosis, or any other acute or serious condition that could interfere with assessments during the study or may pose a risk to the participant. * Other protocol-defined Inclusion/Exclusion criteria apply.
DRUG: BMS-986435, OTHER: Placebo
Heart Failure
BMS-986435, MYK-224, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Safety, HFpEF
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A Study of Alisertib in Patients With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (ALISCA-Lung1)

PUMA-ALI-4201 is a Phase 2 study evaluating alisertib monotherapy in patients with pathologically-confirmed small cell lung cancer (SCLC) following progression on or after treatment with one platinum-based chemotherapy and anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy agent. Up to one additional systemic anti-cancer therapy for SCLC is allowed, for a total of up to two prior lines of therapy. This study is intended to identify the biomarker-defined subgroup(s) that may benefit most from alisertib treatment and to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of alisertib.

Call 833-722-6237

Benjamin Drapkin
18 Years and over
Phase 2
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• Aged ≥18 years at signing of informed consent
• Pathologically confirmed SCLC
• Prior treatment with one platinum-based chemotherapy and an anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy. Up to one additional systemic anti-cancer therapy for SCLC is allowed, for a total of up to two prior lines of therapy
Exclusion Criteria:

• Prior treatment with an AURKA specific-targeted or pan-Aurora-targeted agent, including alisertib in any setting Note: There are additional inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study center will determine if you meet all of the criteria.
Drug: Alisertib
Small Cell Lung Cancer, Lung/Thoracic
Alisertib, SCLC
UT Southwestern; Parkland Health & Hospital System
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Randomized, Double-blind Study of Efficacy and Safety of Bexotegrast (PLN-74809) for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

40 Years to old
This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers
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Inclusion Criteria:

• ≥ 40 years of age prior to screening
• IPF diagnosis ≤ 7 years prior to screening
• FVCpp ≥ 45%
• Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide percent predicted (hemoglobin-adjusted) ≥ 30% and \< 90%
• Current treatment for IPF with background therapy is allowed, if at a stable dose for ≥ 12 weeks prior to screening
• If not currently receiving treatment for IPF (either treatment naïve or discontinued prior treatment), participant must not have taken background therapy for at least 8 weeks prior to screening
Exclusion Criteria:

• Receiving pharmacologic therapy for pulmonary hypertension
• Self-reported smoking of any kind (not limited to tobacco)
• History of malignancy within the past 5 years or ongoing malignancy other than basal cell carcinoma, resected noninvasive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, or treated cervical carcinoma in situ
• Hepatic impairment or end-stage liver disease
• Renal impairment or end-stage kidney disease requiring dialysis
• Pregnant or lactating female participant
• Uncontrolled systemic arterial hypertension
• Receiving any unapproved or investigational agent intended for treatment of fibrosis in IPF
• Prior administration of bexotegrast
• Likely to have lung transplantation during the study (being on transplantation list is not an exclusion)
• Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/FVC ratio \<0.7 at screening
• Clinical evidence of active infection, including, but not limited to bronchitis, pneumonia, or sinusitis that can affect FVC measurement during screening or at randomization
• Known acute IPF exacerbation, or suspicion by the Investigator of such, 6 months prior to screening
DRUG: PLN-74809, DRUG: Placebo
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, bexotegrast, Beacon, BEACON-IPF
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